Are You Going To Pay A Squatter Top Dollar?
Recently, I posted what I thought was a pretty compelling case of voice apps (
During this shitstorm I bought Google stocks at a big discount.
One of the main reasons is I truly believe in voice technology and we’ll all being using voice assistants/bots/search in very near future.
Google happens to be the biggest players in voice currently.
I also have been building apps on them also.
Another big opportunity I see is just like with dot coms in the 90s, the valuable voice “domains” will get snapped up.
And people will end up offering a lot of money for them later on.
NOTE: you can’t own single word domain unless it’s your brand name.
So, I have worked out a scalable way to squat thousands of voice app names including:
- Health;
- Money;
- Finance;
- Insurance;
- Loan;
- Mortgage;
- Etc…
Ya, know the ones people will want in the future!
I am not going to tell you how I am doing it, but I am going to snap up a lot of great 2-word phrases.
Now, I am not gonna be a dick and squat peoples brand names or trademarks, that is scummy, but I will help people secure their brand names before a competitor or other squatter does and tried to sell it back to you for thousands of dollars in a few years’ time.
Hit me up if you believe voice app are a place where consumers will be headed more and if you want to play in that space by securing your brands voice domain.