Create More Customers Podcast — Episode 130: Marketing & Sales Advice For Those Who Do Business Development (TRANSCRIPT)

Orren Prunckun
15 min readApr 12, 2023


In this episode you’ll hear my thoughts on:

• Why getting back in contact with prospects is important
• What the new algorithms social channels are using
• Why visual content works
• How to do business development
• A process of business development for content
• A process for content creation
• What makes quality content
• Why testing content on social channels is important
• How to target well via social channels
• How to easily distribute audio

So, listen here as I discuss these!


How do you feel about going to the CEO directly, just ask them to say you went with this other crew, we’d like to know just for our feedback.

And you can even catch it.

In the words of saying, Look, we’re not even trying to convince you, we just want to know, where we’re how we can improve our offer, and just go direct and vulnerable with that, just to see if you can get something out of them.

I mean, the current CEO, CEO, because they made the buying decision to go with someone else that said the words, we’re not trying to sell you accept the decision.

We’re just like, some feedback of why you went to them, what are they offering that the markets, not that appeal to you, and then use that as your market research, you’re going to be in the same situation that you are currently, you’ve already lost.

This is just asking to get a little bit of extra feedback.

And if they say no, get lost, you’re in the same position that you’re already in.

That’s why I ask are you comfortable, perhaps just even trying to get a little bit of Intel, and market research of why they went that direction?

And that might be if it’s just a personal relationship that kind of says something.

But if it’s not a personal relationship and the summit value offer, they might give you a clue of what the decision was.

And you might be able to implement something that in if it’s just pricing, for example, we’ll never know unless you ask, but you won’t be in this position to know if you don’t ask.

And if you do ask and get no, you’re still you’ve nothing ventured, nothing gained nothing, you’ve lost nothing.

But to your point exactly.

To your point.

If you mentioned storms before all of these things that CEO now that made that buying decision however long ago might be like, you know, this product that we chose, isn’t as good as we thought they’ve, because you’re out of sight out of mind that forgotten about you, just getting back into Riri, getting back into contact with them may trigger them to go, you know what we had these storms, all of the things that you just said, the size, the power, all of that stuff, we are looking for a new solution.

And just by you getting in contact to ask why they actually may ask you to put a proposal in so there’s nothing I don’t think there’s anything harmful about getting back in contact, worst case scenario, they’re going to tell you to go away set out second best scenarios, they’re going to give you the actual feedback, what, why they didn’t go through.

And in the best case scenario, they’re like, actually, these things that we’re currently using aren’t working out, could you give us a proposal that I think there’s a lot of value in just going back to them and risking getting told no to all of the points that you just raised them, I think you need to go with more of the social channels.

And to your point.

So you had that video, just going back in conversation that did whatever you said was about 100,000 views, I would much rather just and this is purely going on the context of how social channels are working these days, they’re going more to about interest based.

So if you put something up, that’s interesting, and people are engaging with it, that 100,000 or whatever.

The platforms are starting to reward that more so not short to your fans, followers, and friends.

So we’re all used to being about how many followers you have, and the platforms would show it to how many followers fans friends, you’ve got now switching it up to what you’re doing is if you’re getting great engagement, they’re going to show that to more and more people.

So because of the algorithm, they just want people to stay on there, and you know, when you’re 10 years ago, you’re into stuff that you no longer into now.

So people change with their friendship groups, so they don’t necessarily follow the stuff that you’re into.

But around interests are relevant to everyone.

where I’m going with this conversation is if you can make as much content as you possibly can do as you did with the Facebook ads, you’re getting what it was getting 100,000 views, then you know, you have a piece of gold.

Out of all of this, some self trying to guess and this goes back to all the stuff we talked about.

And startup land is instead of trying to guess what the market wants, put something out there, see how they respond, and then double down on that.

Doing the same thing with the content, creating as much as you possibly can put out there, and see who responds to it.

And I’m just going back to the example you gave with 100,000 views, then you know, you’ve got some goal, then put some money behind it.

Whether that is television.

I’m not so convinced about TV.

Yeah, I’m not so convinced about TV, maybe streaming, you can if you did it on streaming channels, or putting it behind all your Facebook Instagram, you’re LinkedIn and TikTok.

So putting ad dollars behind the stuff that’s working, but put stuff out organically just like in startup land, we’re talking about seeing what the market likes and double down and double down and doubling down on that.

So just I’m twisting your strategy just a little bit on its head and changing it around.

So instead of just going straight for the commercial, see if you can find what’s working beforehand, you know what’s going to resonate with people, then put your ad dollars behind that whether that is just recreating the video, Facebook or putting it on a paid TV channel as well.

So if you could do something like that, I think the strategy is going to be good and also, you know, Facebook I’m sorry, Instagram rules TikTok and YouTube shorts, you’ve got video content, highly engaging video content, if you can start to use those platforms, especially TikTok, you know, if you created under 100 different videos, doesn’t even need to be good production does going down too.

In situ using, how it works, why it works, all of that kind of stuff, my gut feeling, and this is one person’s subjective opinion.

My intuition says that you are going to get a ton of interested people going wow, this is cool.

Everything you’ve just said, once people see the product, they’re there.

They’re blown away.

And I think there are two ends of the spectrum, the end of the spectrum that has been talked about before, is whether can you get as many people to experience that as possible.

And some of those social algorithms, the ones I mentioned, you know, TikToks, Instagram rules, and YouTube shorts.

They’re all 15-second videos, 15 seconds, super short videos, they appeal to what you’re doing because you’ve got such a visual product, they will go gangbusters, I posted some stuff like ridiculous like trampolining stuff, and they’re getting, you know, several 1000 views on those just ridiculous like five-second clips with yours.

If you’re doing lots and lots of those, you’re gonna get one that’s going to take hold and catch fire.

So that’s one end of the spectrum.

The other end of the spectrum to your point is can you specifically target those people that you want to target?

You mentioned those initiatives, we’ve talked about CEOs before, you literally could on LinkedIn, find every single CEO of every single organization that you want to target, like, I don’t know how many would they would be in the world, 1000, 2000 of them.

It’s not unlimited, right?

But you probably know the number, let’s say 5000.

And you divided that by 365, I can’t do the math the top off the top of the my head.

But it’s what 2010 1520 A day contacting them within a year, you’ve made contact with every one of those decision-makers, and you could pitch them off the bat because it’s such a good product, I don’t necessarily know you want to pitch them off the back.

But I want to reach out to network with them in some capacity, just so they know who you are.

Even if a portion of those just signed up for what you’re offering, you can always go back to the other CEOs later on down the track just building those relationships with those people and not shooting yourself in the foot.

If there are 5000 customers, let’s just say 5000 CEOs, you can build a lifelong relationship with them.

Because I know you’re in this for life, you’ve been doing this for so long, it’s been in the back of your mind for so, so long.

This is like this is not, you know, fly-by-night operation.

If you can create real relationships with those 5000 people, obviously 5000 is the max, you’re not going to ever get to all of them.

Even if it’s a couple 100 and build that long-term relationship for when the time comes, they choose another solution, just like the one that you mentioned, doesn’t kind of work out, they come back to your build for the long term, you can find those people through either LinkedIn or the websites, and then go into the Contact page, go into the email.

Hi, my name is Zack, and I’m looking for the CEO, can you please forward me on the contact details?

And then you straight into the CEO’s inbox, they may ask you, the gatekeeper may ask you what you would like to discuss.

And then you can decide look, I’m wanting to discuss memorials and leave it as that just so you can get through to them.

And I wouldn’t necessarily go with the pitch.

But I’d probably just introduce myself and just start building that relationship with people.

And tell your story.

Your story is so powerful if you can tell your story even to some of the CEOs and then to the other end of the spectrum of not going far wider with your net to have as many pieces of content on social.

It’s just this grind.

Here’s an idea.

Because you’re so charismatic both in person and on video.

Why would reach out to every one of the CEOs to tell your story, which as I said before, is so powerful?

I say Hey, my name, Hey, my name is so and so.

I’m building I’m doing a podcast on and you’re going to have to massage this a bit on your product or the problem area memorials.

And because you the CEO in this industry, you’ve got a passion or strong feelings around this area of people passing and preserving their memories.

I’d love to have you as a guest on my podcast and we’re going to talk about your history, the CEO, how you got into the industry, why you want to be in there what you’re currently doing and what impact you want to have.

So something along those lines, but the whole purpose, the hope, and the purpose of this is just to build a relationship with that person that you can connect on the set for parties, you get a bit of content for four that you can then distribute through your social channels.

And then the third part is they’re going to be like, you know, I’m a bit famous now, I’ve been interviewed on a podcast, I’m gonna go share this through all my network.

And what we’re hoping is that CEOs got other CEOs of other target customers of yours, which you and I both know that they do.

CEOs are going to network with the same people in the same industry.

And even they’re looking, there’s a thing that I’ve seen on TikTok, it’s a product that looks like a lightsaber.

So it’s like a fist, metal, a metal item that sits in your fist, and you press a button, and out of both ends, comes like a staff like a lightsaber.

So it’s like metal, metal-extending stuff.

And all this.

I know, right?

I was like, I want one, I don’t even know these things existed.

But basically, that’s the whole channel.

And it’s got like a million followers on it.

And all the other content, and there’s tons of content.

It’s just the dude holding this thing, popping out this lightsaber staffing, and then like swinging around and cool directions, every video like that, and there’s like five or 10 a day, there’s so many of them.

That’s all he’s doing in just different formations.

And then when you look at the link, the link pops through there his eCommerce site that he sells it for like I don’t know, 50 bucks or something.

But if you go and look in China, he is drop-shipping it from China.

But although the point of that story is that he’s got such a highly visually compelling product that people don’t even know about, even know about this thing, no matter what one, but it’s the same thing for you, you have got such a, a grip, on the one hand, great product, but also so visually interesting, when you go through and pull out your phone and scan and all of this stuff, tons of those in just tons of different situations, as many as you can go, one of them is going to catch fire, and you’re going to go off to the races as this guy has.

And a lot of what we’ve talked about is a lot of work.

Like I recognize it’s a lot of work.

And it can be overwhelming.

I think if you could just chip away a little bit each day, even if it’s like one contact per day, and you’re eating the elephant, elephant one bite at a time, all of this stuff is like it could be a full-time role.

But I don’t want you to get overwhelmed by all the stuff that I said.

If you could do one, have you know, one on each end of the extreme, if you do one outreach per day, and maybe one piece of content, video content, written content doesn’t need to be long under 15 seconds, couple sentences and just put it out day in day out.

Rather than just getting overwhelmed and going, Oh my God, there’s so much here, where do I even start, and then just get that momentum, go down and just get as much footage and just one session as possible, just get your smartphone out and just record or record everything you might need to get their smartphone because yours a smartphone-based but both of you are recording exactly how it works.

And just get as much Don’t, don’t judge if it’s going to be good or bad, just spend an hour or so getting so much content and then just drip that out.

As you go because it’s so visual, it’s going to work there.

She’s going to know more about the formatting than you as you said, spends a day or day half day just getting that content and then drips it over a month or two months or whatever 100%.

And all the stuff that you do in that one session is not only going to be useful for Tiktok, but it’s also gonna be useful for reals, it’s gonna be useful for YouTube shorts, it’s gonna be useful, you can even post it on your Facebook page as well, because it’s so translatable to all of those platforms, even if you’re just getting one lot you can distribute that through all of them and as many of them and don’t even just try to do it once, wait a month and then just go back and repost it, you the same people aren’t going to see it the first month that see it the second month.

So it’s not like it’s going to be an endless process.

If you’ve got a good batch of it, that good library, just keep repurposing over and over and whatever is working, then double down on that.

Or even redo the ones that are working well and get them a little bit more polished.

Maybe even put a bit of a production value behind it as you did with your other commercials.

But don’t spend too much money or time initially just see what’s working.

And then double down on them and repurpose everything.

And that will take some of that overwhelm out of it, get a library of 100, 200 different pieces of content that will demonstrate how it works, what it looks like, why they should use it, and all the features, and then describe bananas.

That’s going to get people to listen, they’re going to share that through their community.

And it’s going to get more and more awareness.

And they’re going to be the decision-makers that are going to help people decide what they get when they get to that point in their life.

The other thing that you mentioned just around Catholics and Greek Orthodox, you can target those hashtags hashtag in the videos that you’re doing on those three video platforms that I’m talking about talking to you about.

So you can target those videos to those hashtags.

But then posting the same video again, to a different segment is a difference.

So you can a different hashtag.

So it’s gonna hit completely different demographics.

That’s why I’m so I only get a library of 100 or 200 of these but repost them all the time to different hashtags, they’re going to show up for different interest groups on these platforms and different people are going to see it.

As I said, you can go bananas full times doing this and never run out of things to post.

But getting that library is going to be the key, and then distributing it through all our all this stuff.

And when you log into those platforms, just type hashtag Greek, and that will give you all the other related tags that you can target by, it’s just going to be a boon for you.

Being the first year is gonna get natural, it’s going to rise to the top and people are going to naturally organically find that because no one else is doing I probably, just search the podcast directories to see what my gut intuition says no, they’re not, no one’s doing that.

And then going to all of those leaders around that area that you’re talking about.

You’re building relationships with them because they’re decision makers to help influence other people, they’re going to share it with their network, people, like you, said, Luigi are gonna go see this, and then the ball is going to go rolling, it hits so many different outcomes for you not just getting and you can get the content and just upload the video content as a 15-second grab of this person saying this is what we do in this culture as well.

There’s a service called Anchor FM, I think it’s just called Anchor.

Now it used to be called Anchor FM, you can record and or upload your record elsewhere and upload your mp3 into that.

And then you can write the podcast episode title and notes.

And then as soon as you publish, they distribute it to I think eight to 10 Different podcasting platforms, Spotify, Apple Music, what else they do Stitcher, all of the major platforms, they do the distribution for you.

And they monitor it it is a super easy, Anchor.

Anchor is the easiest thing.

And it’s free.

Because you’ve got such a visual product.

And that’s what I mean on like the mass, mass market side of things, then the other one is like literal website, contact, who was the CEO, LinkedIn, type in the cemetery, built by CEO, and then look at every single one of the names, and then frame request.

Hi, my name is Zack, I’m doing this podcast on you whenever it’s going to be remembering our loved ones, you’re in this industry, I would love to get your perspective on your life journey of why you got here.

So we can tell that story.

Would you like to be on it?

One in one in 10?

Will ask and will reply yes.

Do an interview all about them.

They’ll share it through all of their networks online and offline, the posts on their social media, they’ll email people hey, look how cool I am.

I’m now famous.

I just did an interview with Nizar that pay people that are other CEOs of cemeteries.

Hopefully, we’ll see that and go Oh, cool.

So when you contact them, they’re like, oh, yeah, I’ve already heard of you.

But the main Trojan horse is you want to build a relationship with them to go and look at your LinkedIn profile or ask you, Hey, what are you doing, and you say, well, by the way, I do this and the like, holy shit, we’d love to have that at ours.



Orren Prunckun
Orren Prunckun

Written by Orren Prunckun

Entrepreneur. Australia Day Citizen of the Year for Unley. Recognised in the Top 50 Australian Startup Influencers.

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