Don’t Be Like Scotty From Marketing…
Knowing your customers is the most important thing in business, everything flows from it.
But, hiring an empathy consultant for $190,000 to teach you how to talk to drought-stricken farmers shows you fundamentally do not know or have the capacity know your customer.
Communicating the product or service your business sells is okay once-in-a-while if over time you give way more than you take.
Yet, creating an ad for your next election while the country is burning is like being sold ambulance cover at a funeral.
You can’t sell to people who don’t want to be sold to.
So, forcing handshakes on firefighters who don’t like you is kinda like being that person who goes out to the clubs at closing time. Romance goes along way.
You can take the Scotty out of marketing, but you can’t take the marketing out of Scotty.
No wonder marketers get such a bad wrap!