I Challenge You…
Back in December 2018, I started something called the “Who Wants To Be A Founder” challenge.
Get it?
Rip off of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”.
It was for anyone who wanted to know if they have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
Some people joined.
Some people started a business.
Some people did not.
They didn’t do all the tasks set.
I am doing something similar, but for a wider audience…
Sales/selling is the act of changing someone’s belief to cause a buying decision they haven’t already considered.
Despite contrary belief, that includes anything that involves you interacting with 1 or more human(s) to get them to do something you want.
Buying ≠ the exchange of money — that is purchasing.
Buying = taking on an alternative belief and ideally the decision to act on it.
This could be, but certainly not limited to:
- Accept your point-of-voice on climate change;
- Hire you for a job;
- Go on a date with you;
- Meet you for coffee;
- Eat pizza instead of soup for dinner;
- Change who they vote for;
- Go to bed when you ask them to;
- Etc;
- Etc;
- Ad nauseam;
- Ad infinitum…
And of course, also could be the purchase your product or service.
Every single one of you is a sale person, whether you like it or not.
With that as context, I am running a 3-week, 1-task-per-day sales challenge.
If you complete all tasks in the challenge, you will get at least 1 “sale” from someone new in those 3 weeks:
- A product sold;
- A job interview;
- A date;
- A meeting;
- Winning an internet argument;
- Etc…
More importantly, you will have everything set up to sell more people again-and-again after the challenge is over.
So, what you will get is:
- 21 tasks and instructions;
- Short training on how to complete the individual task; and
- Additional (but optional training) to consume that complement the main training.
It’s $10 to join and you must register by midnight (Adelaide time) on Sunday 19 January 2020: https://rebrand.ly/0c5be
Don’t worry, I won’t be retiring on a yacht drinking coconut with that money — it’s so you have some skin in the game.
The challenge starts Monday 20 January 2020.
And once this ship and sailed, you’ll need to find an alternative way to the next port.
Sign up now while it is fresh in your mind: https://rebrand.ly/0c5be