Laughable Metrics: Reality Vs Fiction...
While doom-scrolling LinkedIn, these two roles popped up as being “relevant” to me.
I agree.
Curious, I clicked to see what the market was like and what jumped out to me was the number of applicants applying for these roles!
That is as close to an accurate pulse of what the job market is like as one can get.
Yet, we have economists who advise our out-of-touch politicians to think Australia has “full employment”.
In other words, one job per one unemployed person.
Then we have an oversupply of undergraduates for these types of professional roles, both incentivised by universities and enabled by the same politicians.
Not to mention, generative AI, that is more than capable to do the majority of the grunt work of both of these roles if led by a competent prompter who understands the fundamentals of both of these disciplines.
And it’s only going to get worse because of our aggressive immigration policy that is led by untargeted skilled labour such as cooks/chefs and auto mechanics.
Like I saw with marketing: if you want to know the truth, go directly to the source and observe (don’t ask).
If you care to look, the writing is always on the wall and won’t have a meltdown over its answer.