The Journey To A Back Flip On Skates Via An Invert, Ninja Turtle Flip & Miller Flip…
Yesterday I started consistently landing the Miller Flip (
A Miller Flip is an inverted full-turn (360) one (inner) arm handplant landing backwards (Fakie). AKA Invert-to-Fakie.
I first got them on 10 July 2022 , but couldn’t replicate them after that.
Part of the reason is the axis it turns on is not on either the X,Y,Z axis.
A Miller Flip is between the Straight/Z-axis than the Horizontal/X-axis.
This is shown here, where my back is NOT perpendicular to the camera, it’s slight off.
Because a Miller Flip is really just an Invert-to-Fakie/backwards, you can see the same back position, off axis.
An Invert ( is an inverted half-turn (180) one-(inner) arm handplant landing forwards between the Straight/Z-axis than the Horizontal/X-axis.
When you put image 2 and image 3 next to each other, my back angle is almost identical.
That’s because they identical are except the landing (one has an extra half-turn).
But to get a Miller Flip it’s easier to start with a Ninja (Turtle) Flip…
A Ninja (Turtle) Flip is an inverted full-turn (360) two-arm handplant landing backwards (Fakie) on the Straight/Z-axis (
This is shown here, where my back IS perpendicular to the camera spinning on the Z axis.
The next progression is the Custard Chucker Flip…
A Custard Chucker Flip is an inverted full-turn (360) no handplant landing backwards (Fakie) closer to the Straight/Z-Axis than the Horizontal/X-axis. AKA a no hand Miller Flip.
Followed by a Back Flip…
This is what you see gymnasts do — inverted full-turn (360) no handplant landing backwards (Fakie) on the Horizontal/X-axis.
I hope this helps people trying to learn Inverts, Ninja (Turtle) Flips and Miller Flips — look at the axis carefully.
And if you’re still not landing them make more distance between yourself and the transition, but don’t jump.
Onwards to the Custard Chucker!